Friday, 20 November 2015

Rian Sema Lp thuad,Ner nawa loha,Roon baramee 81,Lp Kaew Wat Hui Ngor,2552

Rian Sema Lp thuad, ner nawa, Roon baramee 81 , 2552,
LP Kaew Wat Huingor .

龙普陀/龙婆托 铜牌(九宝铜制), 又龙婆桥/龙普乔在2552年做的比普通铜料贵三倍的九宝铜料,非常难找。(附有庙盒)
这批佛牌曾经发生过奇迹,21粒子弹也打不进。上了泰国各大版面,瞬间价钱狂起,比赛得到第三名的(铜料),据说卖到300 新币。
这批佛牌,roon barame的意思是步步高升,师傅希望信徒佩戴后在事业和人缘上步步高升。
这批佛牌是由 Mr. Chainalit panthong & Lung Ngamwongwan 筹备,在佛牌还没推出之前,也在wat changhai办了一场法会以得到制作龙婆托的批准。所以做出来的佛牌非常显灵。制作这枚的用料包括了多位师傅手写的takrut,然后放进去一起溶掉。

Rian Sema Lp thuad, ner nawa, Roon baramee 81 , 2552,
LP Kaew Wat Huingor .

Nawa material for this batch is alot harder to come by and the price is 3 times of the copper rian. Do note that there are more and more competition event for this batch of amulet, some of the champion won for sale at nearly 300$
This batch of amulett gain fame out of a sudden due to a devotee who managed to survived from 21 gunshots when he wear this amulet.
This batch of amulet was created to commemorate Por Than Keow 81 birthday and raise funds for restoration of Wat Hui ngor. Creation of this batch of Lp Thuad was lead by Mr. Chainalit panthong & Lung Ngamwongwan. Preparations for creating this batch of Lp Thuad include performing a ceremony in Wat Changhai to seek permissions to create this batch of amulets. At the same time Por Than Keow can write his famous meta yant on sheets of gold,silver & copper.
Gold,silver,copper sheets of hand written yant by various monks were collected for the making of this batch of amulets. This batch of Lp Thuad don't just only protects the wearer also include meta mahaniyom or great kindness & choke lap or luck.
There are 3 Pims that were created for this batch. First of all the sema model or shield type, second the kaipa type or egg shape with fish ball and lastly met theng or melon seed type.

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