Phra Pidta Tukata , 2529 , Phim Lek , Lp Koon, bottom with Lp Koon
hand written silver takrut. ( comes with DDphra verification card )
Phra Pidta Tukata(娃娃頭/雪人必打),小模 , 龙婆坤/龙普坤/坤爷 , 2529 ,底部一支純銀師傅手寫 takrut.一粒早期,又珍貴的必打 (附有GPHRA验证卡)
這個牌是師傅親手捏的,在佛牌界很出名,這個是小模,大 模的跑到兩千馬幣以上了。
這個牌是師傅還沒搬去 wat banrai的時候做的,那時的廟叫 Wat Bo prue Wang.
師傅用的材料包括了 Phong Itthijie, 早期 Wat Rakang somdej的牌,Wat Bangkunprom, Wat Khechaiyo, Wat
BangKlan Khun paen,108種草藥,LP koon的頭髮及許多珍貴的材料而製。
由於這個佛牌是手工做的,所以師傅塗上了一層 lacquer ,那麼佛牌的外皮就會硬,所以每一粒的顏色都不同。
這粒牌的外皮還保持到原裝狀態,漆都還在,算是比賽級的 了。佛牌也拿去驗證了,附有一張驗證卡。
Phra Pidta Tukata , 2529 , Phim Lek , Lp Koon, bottom with Lp Koon
hand written silver takrut. ( comes with DDphra verification card )
Made only 200 pieces, this is a very rare
and sought after amulet among Lp koon's amulet.
Being a Lp handmade amulet , the price for
this phim lek (small mould) is still affordable whereas the phim yai ( big
mould ) is already reaching nearly 700$.
This phra pidta was made before Lp koon
has officially moved to Wat Banrai, which is at Wat Boprurewang. This sacred
item is made of many rare and auspicious material such as Itthijie powder, Wat
Rakang earlier batch amulets, amulets froom Wat Bangkhunpron, Wat Khechaiyo as
well as Wat Bangklan. Added with 108 types of herbs, lp Koon hairs and other
rare materials that serve it's purpose.
Due to its handmade and organic material
properties, the amulet is fragile at when its produced. Lp Koon has covered the
pidta with a layer of lacquer to harden the surface, that is also why each
piece of Pidta tukata is different from one another.
As for this piece, the layer of lacquer is
still fully attached and preserved at the best condition, it can also be
considered as competition grade.
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